Global Wellness Day, Costa Rica 2023

Reciba un cordial saludo del grupo de trabajo Global Wellness Day en Costa Rica.

Queremos invitarle a participar el próximo 10 de Junio 2023, en las actividades del GLOBAL WELLENESS DAY.

El grupo de trabajo, liderado por Laura Barrantes Requeno como embajadora para el movimiento en el país, promoverá actividades tendientes a concientizar acerca del bienestar en diversas áreas del país.

Es una celebración simultánea con más de 100 países alrededor del mundo.

Busca crear consciencia de la importancia de mantener hábitos de vida saludables; acciones que tiendan a mejorar la salud y el bienestar en los ámbitos físico, mental y espiritual.



Contamos con el apoyo del Instituto Costarricense de Turismo (ICT) y la Asociación Costarricense de Turismo de Bienestar (Wellness Costa Rica)

Este será el sétimo año en el que Costa Rica se sume a la celebración, que se realiza el primer sábado de junio. Una celebración que nació en Turquía en el año 2012. Y que ha ido con el tiempo, sumando embajadores y alianzas.

El GLOBAL WELLNESS DAY es un movimiento SIN fines de lucro. Por tanto, cualquier actividad que se realice, debe seguir los lineamientos de la organización. Incluyendo el uso correcto de la marca y el tipo de activaciones.

Para este 2023, el GWD nos invita a movernos, a través del #DANCEMAGENTA.


¡Un día, puede cambiar toda tu vida!

Pueden unirse empresas privadas, entidades de gobierno, medios de comunicación, asociaciones, organizaciones civiles y ONG´s.

Las actividades que se realicen el 10 de junio, deben estar basadas en los  7 pasos del manifiesto  del GLOBAL WELLNESS DAY y ser gratuitas.

La participación en el evento, tampoco tiene costo alguno para las empresas que se unan.  Solamente se pide el compromiso, de seguir las recomendaciones de la organización, en cuanto a manejo de la marca, así como promover el movimiento en sus redes sociales, con sus colaboradores y clientes y con la población en general.

1. Caminatas meditativas en un entorno natural.

2. Charlas de alimentación saludable.

3. Charlas sobre la importancia del sueño.

4. Implementar árboles de buenos deseos.

5. Barras de jugos verdes con charlas sobre sus beneficios.

6. Cadenas de buenas obras o de favores.

7. Clases de baile o de zumba.

8. Fogatas al atardecer con canciones costarricenses.

9. Sesiones de ejercicio de bajo impacto en un entorno natural.

10. Sesiones de yoga o taichi.

11. Terapias de sonido o cuencos. O de aromaterapia.

12. Charlas para mujeres. Sobre comprensión del ciclo femenino.

13. Charlas sobre felicidad y la importancia de sonreír.

14. Sesiones de empoderamiento y pensamiento positivo.

15. Menú de comida costarricense (de la huerta a la mesa).

16. Masajes con explicación de sus beneficios.

17. Charlas sobre temas de paz y democracia.

18. Sesiones de detox (sin celular ni TV por un tiempo).

19. Organizar pic nic, o comidas en familia.

20. Sesiones para pintar mandalas o arte terapia.

21. La importancia de cuidar nuestro corazón.

Esos son solo algunos ejemplos.  Pueden proponer otros.

Así se vivió el GWD en Costa Rica, en años anteriores

GWD Costa Rica

GWD Costa Rica

GWD Costa Rica

GWD Costa Rica

GWD Costa Rica

GWD Costa Rica

GWD Costa Rica

GWD Costa Rica

Empresas que han dicho SÍ, este 2023

Y su empresa: ¿Va a decir SÍ?

Le invitamos a unirse AQUÍ 

WhatsApp: (506) 8830-7038

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Read more: GWD - 2023

Con el lema "Wellness para Costa Rica",

el próximo 22 y 23 de setiembre 2023

 tendremos el Costa Rica Wellness Summit.

Con el apoyo del Cinde, el Centro de Convenciones

y la Asociación Costarricense de Turismo de Bienestar.

Buscará sensibilizar a las personas y empresas, sobre la importancia del desarrollo social de la mano del bienestar.

Con dos ejes principales:

Wellness Corporativo y Turismo Wellness

El objetivo del evento es aportar conocimiento para innovar hacia el mejoramiento continuo de la calidad de los servicios, la calidad de vida y las experiencias de bienestar integral de clase mundial, sostenible y saludable.


22 y 23 de setiembre, 2023


Centro de Convenciones, Costa Rica

  • 03 noches de hospedaje con desayuno diario
  • 02 días de Congreso
  • Coffee break y almuerzos (durante el evento)
  • Materiales
  • Traslado Aeropuerto – Hotel – Aeropuerto
  • Traslados Hotel – Centro de convenciones – Hotel
  • IVA CR incluido
  • Wellness Concierge brindando asistencia y apoyo durante su estadía


Beneficios de participar en el Wellness Summit:

  • Networking
  • Comercialización de productos y servicios
  • Actualización de las tendencias en Wellness corporativo y Turismo wellness

Agencias autorizadas para la comercialización por país

Jéssica Heredia

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(+569) 8740 2230

Cecilia Lozano

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(+57) 301 5941066

Lourdes Chuquipiondo

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(+51) 982 301 811

Ir a la página oficial del evento

Read more: Summit 2023

The water has many benefits due to its properties such as mineral compositionn, temperature and others.  It is that it becomes an ideal resource for the treatment and prevention of many diseases through integral treatments.

The aquatic therapy, is useful for a variety of medical conditions or only por relaxing.

The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) in USA, defines aromatherapy as "The therapeutic application or the medicinal use of aromatic substances (essential oils) for holistic healing."

It is known as a traditional and complementary therapy that use essential oils and other aromatic plant compounds.

Some of the benefits for health are: reduction of nauseas, pain and body aches, anxiety, agitation, stress and depression, fatigue and insomnia, muscular aches, headaches, circulatory complications, menstrual disorders, alopecia (hair loss) and more.

Is a natural system original from India around 5000 years ago.  Its derived from the Sanskrit words AYUR (life) and VEDA (science or knowledge), recognized as the "knowledge of life".

Considering that disease is due to an imbalance or stress in a person´s consciousness, encourages some lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment.

Process starts with an internal purification, followed by a special diet, herbal remedies, massage therapy, yoga and meditation.


Helps to understand that being healthy is the natural state, reduce stress, maintain adequate body weight, balance the hormones naturally, helps to reduce some inflammations, provides healthy skin and hair, reduce the toxins from the body improving digestion, cleanses the body and clears the energy (recalibrate the physical as well as mental settings).

The technology has positive and negative effects in our life.  It could be a tool to inspire us, helps to work, to share, to learn, to teach, to communicate, to be connected, an do a lot of things through internet.  But those advantages also has caoused we spend a lot of time using digital devices and affect our stress, anxiety, loss of privacy, between others.

The key is the balance of the time using the digital technology.  We sugest some activities you can do for a digital detox:

  • Walk in the forest, rest on the beach and listen a river sounds.
  • Talk with friends.
  • Practice excersices.
  • Make a good deed.
  • Plant a tree.
  • Visit and relax in Costa Rica.

How we feed is relevant for a good health. Some people believe the food is not important when you vacations, nevertheless, is gaining more relevance in the travel interest.

If you have healthy habits at home, when you plan your next trip you will also consider the food options.

That´s mean a destination could be more attractive to the clients if offers a variety of healthy foods based on authentic and local products.

Yoga is an ancient spiritual discipline that means "union" and promotes to explore relationships with ourselves and the world.

At the deepest spiritual level, yoga allows us to externalize the self-love, the essence of our existence.  This discipline has multiple benefits for mind andd body for all sizes, capacities and abilities.

Mindfulness means paying full attention to something; is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you´re sensing and feeling in the moment.

Stress reduction is often an effect of mindfulness practice.  Some other benefits of mindfulness meditation are: lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain and improve sleep.

Modern life has made everything go faster, significantly increasing levels of stress, anxiety and fatigue.  Many people don´t care about their physical and meantal health, that´s easily allowed to cause some diseases.

A good preventive practice for health care, could be considering relaxing massages more often. That practice helps reduce stress and muscle tension, improves blood circulation, increases mobility and flexibility, improves skin tone, helps reduce pain and sleep better.

Spending time in nature has been scientifically proven to reduces stress levels, rejuvenate your mind and body, improve your immune system, normalizes the sleep schedule through natural light.

Outdoors´s activities help to increase the production of vitamin D to maximize calcium absorption to promote bone and dental health, restore your natural energy camp affected by the extreme use of electronic devices,and  improve the creativity.

Fresh air improves blood pressure and a sense of Well-being.  When the levels of oxygen in the brain are optimal, generate serotonin, the neurotrasnmitter that affects the mood, appetite, memory, social behavior, and other processes.

It is an ancient holistic discipline, that use instruments to produce some vibrations in the energy fields and on the physical body.

Generates many health benefits, such as: Contributes to improving state of relaxation, concentration, stimulates creativity, relieves tension and hypertension, generates positive emotions and thoughts, contributes to the balance of the chakras and the energy system, and much more.

Those benefits can be maximized when performed in natural environments.

The nature continues giving us more and more gifts, now in Costa Rica you will have the opportunity to experience all the benefits of the mineral water an the heat facilities, in the thermal areas located at the sophisticated spas in some destinations in Costa Rica.

As benefits of a thermal spa in Costa Rica, you will have:

  • Soothe the muscles
  • Detox the skin
  • Stimulate blood flow
  • De-stressing and relax the body
  • Restore the respiratory system
  • And much more

Read more: Wellness Therapies

Medical tourism + Wellness tourism = Health Tourism

Health tourism covers those types of tourism which have as a primary motivation, the contribution to physical, mental and/or spiritual health through medical and wellness based activities which increase the capacity of individuals to satisfy their own needs and function better as individuals in their environment and society.

Medical tourism is a type of tourism activity which involves the use of evidence-based medical healing resources and services (both invasive and non-invasive). This may include diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention and rehabilitation.

Wellness tourism is a type of tourism activity which aims to improve and balance all of the main domains of human life including physical, mental, emotional, occupational, intellectual and spiritual. The primary motivation for the wellness tourist is to engage in preventive, proactive, lifestyle-enhancing activities such as fitness, healthy eating, relaxation, pampering and healing treatments

Tags: wellness costa rica tourism experiences health

Read more: Health Tourism

Wellness travel is our passion

Wellness are actions, situations, and expectations in a healthy sense, which helps to pursue happiness and is the way to find our inner peace. It is an opportunity to grow as a person, share and inspire others. It's a way to find myself.

Wellness is a way to show the best of me. Wellness travel is our passion, our Ikigai, and motivates us to be part of the change and motivate and inspire our clients to make changes or keep their habits through the travels.

Finding a balance allows us to enjoy the journey that we call life. Make changes if they have value for you.

Wellness is a modern word with ancient roots

The key tenets of wellness as both preventive and holistic can be traced back to ancient civilizations from the East (India, China) to the West (Greece, Rome). In 19th-century Europe and the United States, a variety of intellectual, religious and medical movements developed in parallel with conventional medicine.

With their focus on holistic and natural approaches, self-healing and preventive care, these movements have provided a firm foundation for wellness today.

Wellness-focused and holistic modalities have gained more visibility since the 1960s/1970s under the writings and thought leadership of an informal network of US physicians and thinkers (such as Halbert Dunn, Jack Travis, Don Ardell, Bill Hettler, and others). As these have evolved, proliferated, and gone mainstream, they have informed the healthy-living, self-help, self-care, fitness, nutrition, diet and spiritual practices that have become a flourishing wellness movement in the 21st century. (Global Wellness Institute)

The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness tourism as a travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one’s wellbeing.

Wellness tourism brings the promise of combating unwellness embedded in today’s travel and turning it into an opportunity to maintain and improve our holistic health.

Nowadays, more people are understanding the consequences of drastic health affectation because of unhealthy habits such as sedentarism, burnout, chronic stress, and mental disbalance, among others, suffered during the last decade. In addition, the increase in population aging, the excessive costs of healthcare, and the effects of Covid19 bring us a new perspective of life with a new model of self-care through healthy habits, learning strategies to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and more, allow us to find a balance at home and keep this wellbeing when we travel. We can get that across Wellness travel.

Wellness travel is based on two distinct kinds of journeys according to the traveler's motivations: 

A primary traveler is a person that seeks a destination and services to offer facilities associated with wellness living.

A secondary traveler is a person interested in improving personal health and wellbeing during their vacation or holiday but is not looking for specific services, just taking advantage of what the destination offers.

At EcoWellness & Travel we have the knowledge and experience to prepare a specific program if you are a primary or secondary wellness traveler.


Tags: wellness costa rica tourism experiences travel retreats pura vida wellness pura vida health

Read more: What is Wellness?

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